ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
24036 DIGGING BENEATH THE REAL ISSUE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 001 2pgs
24037 THE PERENNIAL EVIL Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 003 2pgs
24038 PRACTICING AND PREACHING-TWO DIFFERENT THINGS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 005 2pgs
24039 ARE THE SEEDS OF OUR DESTRUCTION GROWING HERE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 007 2pgs
24040 WE HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED THE PROBLEM-NOW LET US FIND AN ANSWER Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 009 2pgs
24041 BRAKING THE BUS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 011 2pgs
24042 PASS THE EGGROLL PLEASE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 013 2pgs
24043 TAX THE FAT CATS IS AN EMPTY CAMPAIGN SLOGAN Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 015 2pgs
24044 ARE YOU TOO STUPID TO CHOOSE YOUR OWN FRIENDS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 017 2pgs
24045 WHAT IS IN A LABEL Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 019 2pgs
24046 INVITATION TO DISASTER Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 021 2pgs
24047 THE NEXT PRESIDENT Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 023 2pgs
24048 BUS STOP Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 025 2pgs
24049 SCHOOL DAZE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 027 2pgs
24050 POLLUTE OR PERISH Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 029 2pgs
24051 WHAT WILL THE BLOODBATH BE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 031 2pgs
24052 PRISONERS OF PEACE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 033 2pgs
24053 OF DIKES AND MEN Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 035 2pgs
24054 IT IS CRIME THAT IS CRUEL Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 037 2pgs
24055 REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 039 2pgs
24056 GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND ON EARTH Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1972 041 2pgs