The American Opinion Magazine was an outgrowth of Mr. Welch's One Man's Opinion. In the third year of his publishing ventures, it was decided that due to a variety of contributing author's with similar outlooks, American Opinion would be a more fitting title. After the formation of the John Birch Society in December of 1958, the up-start magazine was entrusted to the young organization and became its main periodical.
Typically, the magazine was issued 11 times per year. A special scoreboard edition was released during July/August which accomodated staff summer vacations. There were some exceptions to the rule. The magazine was published from February, 1958 though September, 1985. By my count, there were 301 issues printed and 300 issues distributed. The Liberty Library is pleased to have obtained a 100% complete collection.
Starting in January 1964, Mr. Daniel Michael Canavan of New York produced oil paintings that were photographed and used as cover art. The January 1964 issue introduced Dan Canavan:
“Our Cover is entitled, by its creator, Coexistence. It is an oil painting, done especially for AMERICAN OPINION, by Mr. Daniel Michael Canavan of New York. To comment further would be unfair, both to the artistic genius of Mr. Canavan, and to his political subtlety. We shall say only that there will be other paintings; and that, so long as he will, Mr. Canavan shall do them. For we know of no one more capable of "seeing what is really there" than Dan Canavan. He seems to own a pair of "magic glasses" which permit him to see through the TV makeup and facade created by the professional image makers. And, gloriously, he has the ability to show us, on canvas, what he sees.”
Click "list items" to see them...
- 1958: 10 issues Feb-Dec. with a July/August European Review issue.
- 1959: 11 Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1960: 10 Issues with a July-September Scoreboard
- 1961: 11 Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1962: 11 Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1963: 11* Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1964: 11 Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1965: 11 Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1966: 11 Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1967: 10 Issues February skipped to align with Newstands.
- 1968-1984: 11 Issues including a July/August Scoreboard.
- 1985: 7 Issues, the July/August Scoreboard being the final issue.

The December 1963 Issue was never distributed due to sensibility of the articles critical of the recently assassinated president. I do believe, however, that each of the articles in this issue were published in later issues. Word has it, that the issues were loaded on a truck for distribution and Mr. Welch stopped its distribution as soon as the news broke. I would imagine this act of "class" was made at considerable expense to the Society.