ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
24240 HUNGER OUR FAULT Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 001 2pgs
24241 WHO SHOULD LIVE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 003 2pgs
24242 UNBALANCING THE BUDGET Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 005 2pgs
24243 SHARE WHOSE WEALTH Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 007 2pgs
24244 LET THE REST OF THE WORLD GO BY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 009 2pgs
24245 SPENDING MONEY THAT IS NOT THERE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 011 2pgs
24246 BEEFING Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 013 2pgs
24247 REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 015 2pgs
24248 DOES UNCLE SAM GIVE WHAT HE DOES NOT TAKE AWAY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 017 2pgs
24249 FINGERS ON THE TRIGGER Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 019 2pgs
24250 HOLES IN YOUR POCKETS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 021 2pgs
24251 DIGGING OUR OWN GRAVE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 023 2pgs
24252 RUMINATIONS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 025 2pgs
24253 WHERE THE BUS STOPS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 027 2pgs
24254 DO NOT ROCK THE BOAT Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 029 2pgs
24255 WHO PROFITS BY SELLING TO THE REDS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1975 031 2pgs