ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
24377 AMERICA NOT GUILTY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 001 2pgs
24378 AN INTELLIGENCE REPORT Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 003 2pgs
24379 ON TAKING THE KIDS TO A MOVIE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 005 2pgs
24380 THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 007 2pgs
24381 SALT AND HUMAN RIGHTS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 009 2pgs
24382 SAVING MONEY, WASHINGTON STYLE Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 011 2pgs
24383 ENERGY BUYING TI:ME Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 013 2pgs
24384 BETTER LATE THAN EARLY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 015 2pgs
24385 PEACE AND FREEDOM Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 017 2pgs
24386 FACT FICTION AND IllSTORY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 019 2pgs
24387 FORBIDDEN FRUlTS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 021 2pgs
24388 SOCIAL INSECURITY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 023 2pgs
24389 SHORTAGE CAUSED BY FEDERAL REGULATIONS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 025 2pgs
24390 NO HU:NIAN RIGHTS U:tT])ER COMMUNISM Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 027 2pgs
24391 THE GAY RIGHT TO TEACH Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 029 2pgs
24392 POPULIST PERFIDY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 031 2pgs
24393 YOU CAN BEAT CITY HALL Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 033 2pgs
24394 WHO SPEAKS FOR THE A:MERICAN WOMAN Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 035 2pgs
24395 KIDDIE CRIME Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 037 2pgs
24396 FEDERAL PROGRAlVIS ARE VRECKING OUR SCHOOLS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 039 2pgs
24397 RIPPLES IN THE SEA Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 041 2pgs
24398 A BOOK FOR OUR TIMES Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 043 2pgs
24399 RIGHTS AND WRONGS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 045 2pgs
24400 THE DANGERS OF SO MANY THINGS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 047 2pgs
24401 IMMUNITY Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 049 4pgs
24402 STRIDENT VOICES, TIRED EARS Marilyn Manion Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1977 053 54pgs