ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
565 Africa James Lucier Africa 1964 001 10pgs
566 Interview With Moise Tshombe Samuel L. Blumenfeld Africa 1964 011 6pgs
567 Asia Hilaire du Berrier Asia 1964 017 14pgs
568 East Europe A. F. Canwell Europe & EU 1964 031 9pgs
569 Latin America Harold Lord Varney Mexico, Latin & South America 1964 040 9pgs
570 Scoreboard Staff Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1964 049 31pgs
571 Middle East Samuel L. Blumenfeld Middle East 1964 081 6pgs
572 West Europe Frank MacMillan Europe & EU 1964 087 7pgs
573 America Hon. Martin Dies, Sr. Communism & Subversion 1964 095 9pgs
574 Principles Of Economics Hans F. Sennholz Banking & Economics 1964 105 2pgs
575 In The Hemisphere Por Juanita Mexico, Latin & South America 1964 107 3pgs
576 Moffitt On The Arts Jack Moffitt Culture & Religion 1964 111 3pgs
577 Poetry E. Merrill Root verse 1964 127 2pgs
578 Dr. Antonio De Oliveira Salazar Robert H. W. Welch Jr. Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1964 129 1pgs