ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
1478 Detroit Gary Allen Housing, Education & Welfare 1969 001 18pgs
1479 The Big Snoop Reed Benson & Robert Lee Other 1969 019 2pgs
1480 It's Noncensus David O. Woodbury Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1969 021 2pgs
1481 Mr. Kissinger Dr. Medford Evans Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1969 023 10pgs
1482 Education Robert H. Montgomery Housing, Education & Welfare 1969 033 4pgs
1483 Mark Twain E. Merrill Root Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1969 037 9pgs
1484 Mr. Nixon Harold Lord Varney Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1969 047 2pgs
1485 Sabotage David Emerson Gumaer Communism & Subversion 1969 049 16pgs
1486 The Movies Jack Moffitt Review 1969 065 2pgs
1487 Dear Brats Tom Anderson Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1969 067 4pgs
1488 Germany Frank MacMillan Europe & EU 1969 071 2pgs
1489 In Lilliput George S. Schuyler UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1969 073 2pgs
1490 Book Reviews Dr. Medford Evans Review 1969 077 9pgs
1491 Poetry E. Merrill Root verse 1969 095 2pgs