ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
2222 America, 1978 Gary Allen Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1978 001 15pgs
2223 Buying Congress Susan L. M. Huck Legislature, Executive, Judiciary 1978 007 12pgs
2224 To The Rescue William P. Hoar Right To Life / Abortion 1978 017 12pgs
2225 Congress And The Constitution Dr. Medford Evans Legislature, Executive, Judiciary 1978 025 11pgs
2226 The Right Congress Alan Stang Legislature, Executive, Judiciary 1978 035 15pgs
2227 How They Vote Robert W. Lee Politics, Candidates & Elections 1978 049 10pgs
2228 Scoreboard Staff Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1978 069 3pgs
2229 The World Hilaire du Berrier Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1978 073 19pgs