ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
2757 The Banker Conspiracy Gary Allen Banking & Economics 1985 001 14pgs
2758 Gone With The Wind Dr. Medford Evans Media Bias & Deception 1985 005 10pgs
2759 How The Far Left Writes William P. Hoar Media Bias & Deception 1985 011 11pgs
2760 World Court And Genocide Robert W. Lee UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1985 021 9pgs
2761 Gilderling James B. Graves Review 1985 027 5pgs
2762 Blockade Nicaragua Stephen V. Cole Mexico, Latin & South America 1985 033 8pgs
2763 Pick An Almanac Susan L. M. Huck Review 1985 041 4pgs
2764 Willy Solis Alan Stang Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1985 047 10pgs
2765 Doomsday Myths William P. Hoar Banking & Economics 1985 053 3pgs
2766 How The Soviets Operate John Rees Communism & Subversion 1985 057 13pgs