ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
2877 ANC Sets Its Sights on South Africa Kirk Kidwell Africa 1985 004 4pgs
2878 Look Before We Leap Walter E. Williams Africa 1985 007 1pgs
2879 Communist Drug Dealings Tied To Terrorism Jeffrey St. John Internal Security, Surveillance & Terrorism 1985 012 1pgs
2880 It's Time to Stop Coddling Red Romania James J. Drummey Europe & EU 1985 013 1pgs
2881 Former US Amb. to Romania Hits US Policies David B. Funderburk Europe & EU 1985 014 1pgs
2882 Plan to Revise the U.S. Constitution Kirk Kidwell Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1985 016 1pgs
2883 Justice Goes Private Paul Gordon Police, Crime & SYLP 1985 017 1pgs
2884 The Rights Binge Clarence B. Carson Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1985 019 1pgs
2885 US Says Nicaragua's World Court Case a Lie Michael Battye Mexico, Latin & South America 1985 020 1pgs
2886 The Flawed Contadora Plan Everett A. Bauman Mexico, Latin & South America 1985 022 1pgs
2887 Kremlin Would Cheat on Space Defense Systems Christopher Hanson Communism & Subversion 1985 024 1pgs
2888 USSR Westem-Acquired Technology James J. Drummey Foreign Aid, Trade & Regionalism 1985 025 1pgs
2889 US Oil Reserves C. Russell Evans Energy & Environment 1985 026 1pgs
2890 Revolution In South Africa Staff Africa 1985 027 8pgs
2891 A Dishonest Attack on Free China Anthony Kubek Asia 1985 038 1pgs
2892 The American Intellectual Lobotomy Otto J. Scott Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1985 039 1pgs
2893 Sherlock Holmes Collection Douglas Domeier Culture & Religion 1985 040 1pgs
2894 Public Broadcasting Reed Irvine Media Bias & Deception 1985 041 1pgs
2895 South African Leaders Meet With ANC John F. McManus Africa 1985 043 1pgs
2896 Children as Pawns of Compulsory Schemes William F. Jasper Housing, Education & Welfare 1985 044 2pgs
2897 TX Computer Magnate Wins Churchill Award Julie Vorman Other 1985 045 1pgs
2898 Archaeological Treasures Doug Bandow Space, Science & Technology 1985 046 1pgs
2899 Man Who Plays Like Ty Cobb James J. Drummey Culture & Religion 1985 048 1pgs
2900 Howard Cosell's New Book Kathryn Boggs Review 1985 049 1pgs
2901 Bullfighting: Art or Barbarity? James J. Drummey Culture & Religion 1985 050 1pgs
2902 The Bullfight, Spiritual Manhood & Hemingway Jeffrey St. John Culture & Religion 1985 052 1pgs
2903 The Wisdom of Booker T. Washington Evans-Raymond Pierre Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1985 054 1pgs
2904 Toward World Order John F. McManus UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1985 058 1pgs
2905 UN: Proposed Seat of a One-World Tyranny Robert H. W. Welch Jr. UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1985 059 1pgs
2906 The Forgotten Robert E. Lee Jeffrey St. John Headlines & History 1985 060 1pgs