ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
3026 Genocide Treaty Receives New Boost Kirk Kidwell Foreign Aid, Trade & Regionalism 1985 004 3pgs
3027 Genocide Treaty is Pro-Genocide Hon. Steven Symms Foreign Aid, Trade & Regionalism 1985 007 1pgs
3028 Ian Smith Warns the West Jeffrey St. John Africa 1985 009 1pgs
3029 Zimbabwe: Drumbeats of Dictatorship John Chamberlain Africa 1985 011 1pgs
3030 Seeing Is Believing Debra K. Bernardo Health, Healthcare & Pandemic 1985 012 2pgs
3031 The Role of Government Clarence B. Carson Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1985 015 1pgs
3032 Sandinista Foes Upset Ian MacKenzie Mexico, Latin & South America 1985 016 1pgs
3033 Ecuador's Free Market ExperiDlent Mark Rondon Mexico, Latin & South America 1985 018 1pgs
3034 Angolan Freedom Fighters Need Help Sue Baker Africa 1985 022 1pgs
3035 Crisis in the Philippines Edward L. Fike Asia 1985 024 1pgs
3036 The Philippines and Opposition to Marcos A. James Gregor Asia 1985 027 8pgs
3037 Vietnam's Tragic Aftermath Allan C. Brownfeld Asia 1985 036 2pgs
3038 America Stands Apart Anthony Lejeune Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1985 037 1pgs
3039 The Musical Kids of Stan Kenton Julie Vorman Culture & Religion 1985 040 1pgs
3040 Gorbachev: The Grizzly's Grizzly Herb Schmertz Communism & Subversion 1985 041 1pgs
3041 Christmas Sales not Expected to Ring Bells with Retailers Judith Schoolman Holidays 1985 042 1pgs
3042 Denying the Constitution Doug Bandow Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1985 043 1pgs
3043 Nobelists Ignore USSR John F. McManus Communism & Subversion 1985 045 1pgs
3044 New York's Marathon Winners Jack Cavanaugh Culture & Religion 1985 046 1pgs
3045 Corrupting a Last Refuge Dwight Bratcher Culture & Religion 1985 047 1pgs
3046 Migratory Animals Need Help Ronald Van De Krol Space, Science & Technology 1985 048 1pgs
3047 Environmentalists Still Carry Clout Kathryn Boggs Energy & Environment 1985 049 1pgs
3048 The Inkwell Revolutionary Mark D. Isaacs Housing, Education & Welfare 1985 052 2pgs
3049 Sam Ervin: Liberty's Country Lawyer Jeffrey St. John Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1985 057 1pgs
3050 Sam Ervin's " No" to Genocide Treaty Hon. Sam J. Ervin, Jr Foreign Aid, Trade & Regionalism 1985 058 1pgs
3051 The Tragedy and Triumph of Colonel Billy Mitchell Jeffrey St. John Headlines & History 1985 060 1pgs