ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
3284 Moscow's SDl James J. Haggerty Communism & Subversion 1986 007 4pgs
3285 Conservative Judicial Appointments Kirk Kidwell Legislature, Executive, Judiciary 1986 012 1pgs
3286 A Government of Laws, Not of Men Edwin Meese III Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1986 013 1pgs
3287 Neo-Nazi Terrorism in America James J. Drummey Internal Security, Surveillance & Terrorism 1986 014 1pgs
3288 Wolves in Jackals' Clothing Don Fotheringham Culture & Religion 1986 015 1pgs
3289 The OAS: Another Useless Consumer of U.S. Tax Dollars Ian MacKenzie Budgets, Taxes & Spending 1986 016 1pgs
3290 Mexico's Deepening Morass T. O. Sandy Mexico, Latin & South America 1986 017 1pgs
3291 Savimbi Versus Goliath F. R. Duplantier Africa 1986 018 1pgs
3292 Angola Decision Needed John Chamberlain Africa 1986 019 1pgs
3293 To Provide For The Common Defense Brig. Gen. Andrew J. Gatsis UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1986 021 6pgs
3294 Singing For Quake Victims Katerina Syrimi Culture & Religion 1986 029 1pgs
3295 PBS Attacks Guatemala Ralph de Toledano Mexico, Latin & South America 1986 030 1pgs
3296 A Pioneer Named L.L. Bean Rolla Williams Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1986 035 1pgs
3297 Bull Market Analyzed Clarence B. Carson Banking & Economics 1986 038 1pgs
3298 News From the World of Education William F. Jasper Housing, Education & Welfare 1986 039 1pgs
3299 Buckley of the Establishment John F. McManus Conspiracy & Conspirators 1986 040 1pgs
3300 Audacious Audubon Edward A. Muschamp Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1986 042 1pgs
3301 Audubon: The Man and the Myth Jeffrey St. John Headlines & History 1986 044 1pgs