ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
3302 Foreign Policy Betrayals Continue Kirk Kidwell UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1986 007 3pgs
3303 Out of Sight Out of Mind Edward J. Walsh Politics, Candidates & Elections 1986 011 1pgs
3304 Qaddafi And His Soviet Patron Kirk Kidwell Middle East 1986 012 1pgs
3305 Dealing With Libya John Chamberlain Africa 1986 013 1pgs
3306 Pat Robertson in Democratic Eyes James J. Drummey Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1986 014 1pgs
3307 Revisit the Constitution Clarence B. Carson Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1986 015 1pgs
3308 EI Paso and the Polish Pipeline Julie Vorman Immigration & Border 1986 016 1pgs
3309 Alien Threat Phyllis Schlafly Immigration & Border 1986 017 1pgs
3310 Sanctimonious Sanction F. R. Duplantier Africa 1986 018 1pgs
3311 Pumping Only For Freedom Thomas A. Lewis Energy & Environment 1986 019 1pgs
3312 Moscow's Navy: Growing Danger In The Pacific Evans-Raymond Pierre Communism & Subversion 1986 021 6pgs
3313 Russian-Born Comic Loves America Gary Stern Europe & EU 1986 029 1pgs
3314 Camelot's Heir Apparent Don Feder Politics, Candidates & Elections 1986 031 1pgs
3315 Redhead Happy Wearing Green Barry Lorge Energy & Environment 1986 033 1pgs
3316 Bentonville's Billionaire Anne Reifenberg Business & Industry, Labor & Regulations 1986 034 1pgs
3317 Dear Lee Iacocca Hal Watkins Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1986 035 1pgs
3318 Victimizing Children John F. McManus Housing, Education & Welfare 1986 041 1pgs
3319 Henry Hazlitt at Age 91 John Chamberlain Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1986 042 1pgs
3320 The Socialist Ethic Henry Hazlitt Socialism 1986 043 1pgs
3321 To the Shores of Tripoli Jeffrey St. John Headlines & History 1986 044 1pgs