ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
3446 The Battle Over Contra Aid Kirk Kidwell Mexico, Latin & South America 1986 005 3pgs
3447 US Should Aid the Centras Gen. John K. Singlaub Mexico, Latin & South America 1986 008 1pgs
3448 Let's Take Another Look John F. McManus Mexico, Latin & South America 1986 009 1pgs
3449 Battle Against Pornography Heats Up Kirk Kidwell Culture & Religion 1986 010 1pgs
3450 Panel Accused of Softness on Smut Phyllis Schlafly Culture & Religion 1986 011 1pgs
3451 When Self-Defense is a Crime William P. Fall 2nd Amendment 1986 012 1pgs
3452 And Keep Them Independent! Mr. A. C. Frattone Police, Crime & SYLP 1986 013 2pgs
3453 McClure-Volkmer Doug Sandow 2nd Amendment 1986 014 1pgs
3454 A More Palatable Soviet Afghanistan? James J. Drummey Asia 1986 016 1pgs
3455 Where Will Corazon Aquino Take the Philippines? John Chamberlain Asia 1986 017 1pgs
3456 The United Nations Has No Clothes James J. Drummey UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1986 018 1pgs
3457 Two-Faced Politicians Ralph de Toledano Politics, Candidates & Elections 1986 019 1pgs
3458 Reality in Nicaragua Jane H. Ingraham Mexico, Latin & South America 1986 021 6pgs
3459 To Be A Cajun Cook Peggy Mengis Review 1986 028 1pgs
3460 ABC Rolls Out Red Carpet For Soviet Propagandists Reed Irvine Media Bias & Deception 1986 029 1pgs
3461 Class Struggle Don Feder Civil Rights & Minority Issues 1986 030 1pgs
3462 The "Buy American" Drive Robert Trautman Business & Industry, Labor & Regulations 1986 032 1pgs
3463 You Can Make A Difference! Gary Benoit Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1986 033 1pgs
3464 The High Cost of Dyslexia William F. Jasper Housing, Education & Welfare 1986 036 1pgs
3465 Is There a Communist Conspiracy? John F. McManus Conspiracy & Conspirators 1986 037 1pgs
3466 Leatherneck in Nicaragua T. O. Sandy Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1986 041 1pgs
3467 Marines in Nicaragua - 1924 Calvin Coolidge Mexico, Latin & South America 1986 042 1pgs
3468 Reversing the Monroe Doctrine Jeffrey St. John Headlines & History 1986 044 1pgs