ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
3846 Correction Please James J. Drummey Media Bias & Deception 1987 - 24pgs
3847 Quotes Staff Quotes 1987 - 17pgs
3848 The Unreported Story of the Year John W. Robbins Banking & Economics 1987 007 4pgs
3849 So Long to the 99th Evans-Raymond Pierre Legislature, Executive, Judiciary 1987 012 2pgs
3850 Canada W. R. Palmer Canada 1987 029 1pgs
3851 Central America Kurt Hyde, CDP Mexico, Latin & South America 1987 030 2pgs
3852 South America Evans-Raymond Pierre Mexico, Latin & South America 1987 032 2pgs
3853 Western Europe William F. Jasper Europe & EU 1987 035 2pgs
3854 Captive Europe & USSR James J. Drummey Europe & EU 1987 039 4pgs
3855 Africa Warren L. McFadden Africa 1987 044 2pgs
3856 The Middle East Warren P. Mass Middle East 1987 046 2pgs
3857 Central Asia & India Lea Jarosky Asia 1987 048 2pgs
3858 Northeast Asia Paul Ingbretson Asia 1987 050 2pgs
3859 Southeast Asia Kirk Kidwell Asia 1987 054 2pgs
3860 Down Under John F. McManus Down Under 1987 057 1pgs
3861 Let's Stop Helping Communism! William F. Jasper Foreign Aid, Trade & Regionalism 1987 058 2pgs