ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
3875 The Basket Case of Southeast Asia Kirk Kidwell Asia 1987 007 3pgs
3876 The Battle of the Bulge John F. McManus Headlines & History 1987 011 1pgs
3877 The Scoop on Koop Hon. William E. Dannemeyer Health, Healthcare & Pandemic 1987 012 2pgs
3878 Prisoners of the Cold War Lea Jarosky Communism & Subversion 1987 015 1pgs
3879 The Comrades' Necklace Warren L. McFerran Africa 1987 016 1pgs
3880 Victim of Disunity Evans-Raymond Pierre Africa 1987 019 1pgs
3881 The Twain Shall Meet Hilaire du Berrier Middle East 1987 020 1pgs
3882 Why Not Immunity? John F. McManus Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1987 021 1pgs
3883 Bring Them Home! Kirk Kidwell UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1987 025 12pgs
3884 Biting the Hand That Feeds Them F. R. Duplantier Review 1987 039 2pgs
3885 They're Slipping Us A Mickey William F. Jasper Health, Healthcare & Pandemic 1987 042 1pgs
3886 Molesting Young Minds John F. McManus Health, Healthcare & Pandemic 1987 043 1pgs
3887 In the Air Again Capt. Eugene McDaniel, USN Review 1987 045 1pgs
3888 The Few, The Proud, The Abandoned Parker Richards Review 1987 047 1pgs
3889 Attack of the Tax Reformers Mark D. Isaacs Budgets, Taxes & Spending 1987 049 1pgs
3890 Not Just The Will of the Majority Dr. Charles E. Rice Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1987 054 1pgs
3891 Protect The Constitution John F. McManus Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1987 055 1pgs
3892 Hold Up Your Head, Tom Dooley Warren P. Mass Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1987 058 2pgs
3893 The Ogre of Communism Dr. Tom Dooley Communism & Subversion 1987 059 1pgs
3894 Preperty and Shays' Rebellion Clarence B. Carson Headlines & History 1987 060 1pgs