ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
4031 Bordering On Insanity William F. Jasper Immigration & Border 1987 009 6pgs
4032 The Iran-Contra Hearings James J. Drummey Middle East 1987 017 1pgs
4033 Fighting Communism with Communism Warren L. McFerran Communism & Subversion 1987 019 3pgs
4034 The End of the Contras? Jane H. Ingraham Mexico, Latin & South America 1987 023 1pgs
4035 Repression Disguised as Law Lea Jarosky Communism & Subversion 1987 025 1pgs
4036 Losing Latin America Warren L. McFerran Mexico, Latin & South America 1987 027 11pgs
4037 What To Do About AIDS John F. McManus Health, Healthcare & Pandemic 1987 039 1pgs
4038 Trick or Treaty? Warren L. McFerran Foreign Aid, Trade & Regionalism 1987 041 1pgs
4039 Capital Punishment Dr. Charles E. Rice Police, Crime & SYLP 1987 045 1pgs
4040 Our Cheatin' Hart Robert W. Lee Politics, Candidates & Elections 1987 047 3pgs
4041 Hart's Defiant Farewell John F. McManus Politics, Candidates & Elections 1987 049 1pgs
4042 What Really Happened At Bhopal? Mark D. Isaacs Asia 1987 053 1pgs
4043 The Road to Philadelphia Warren P. Mass Headlines & History 1987 060 1pgs