ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
4182 The Politics of Perversion Kirk Kidwell Culture & Religion 1987 005 5pgs
4183 Civil Wrongs in the Name of "Rights" Evans-Raymond Pierre Civil Rights & Minority Issues 1987 015 1pgs
4184 Will-of-the-Wisp John F. McManus Media Bias & Deception 1987 017 1pgs
4185 Declaring War On Smut William F. Jasper Culture & Religion 1987 018 2pgs
4186 Unbearable Defense John F. McManus UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1987 021 1pgs
4187 The Coming Islamic Revolution Lea Rehimi Middle East 1987 022 2pgs
4188 Genocide in Tibet Evans-Raymond Pierre Asia 1987 025 1pgs
4189 Reclaiming the Family Wilma Berry Mann Culture & Religion 1987 027 8pgs
4190 Senator Bob Dole Robert W. Lee Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1987 039 4pgs
4191 The School "Improvement" Act William F. Jasper Housing, Education & Welfare 1987 045 1pgs
4192 The Home Wreckers Mark D. Isaacs Business & Industry, Labor & Regulations 1987 049 1pgs
4193 Fairy Godfather Dr. Charles E. Rice Housing, Education & Welfare 1987 052 2pgs
4194 Advocate for the Constitution Warren P. Mass Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1987 058 2pgs
4195 The First Federalist Hamilton, Madison & Jay Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1987 059 1pgs
4196 Selling the Constitution Warren P. Mass Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1987 060 1pgs