ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
4237 Correction Please James J. Drummey Media Bias & Deception 1988 - 24pgs
4238 A Guide To The Scoreboard Staff Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1988 003 1pgs
4239 The United States Robert W. Lee Communism & Subversion 1988 005 3pgs
4240 Canada W. R. Palmer Canada 1988 011 1pgs
4241 Central America & The Caribbean Jane H. Ingraham Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 013 5pgs
4242 South America Evans-Raymond Pierre Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 019 3pgs
4243 Western Europe William F. Jasper Europe & EU 1988 025 7pgs
4244 Captive Europe & USSR James J. Drummey Europe & EU 1988 033 4pgs
4245 Scoreboard Map Staff Opinion, Editorial & Commentary 1988 038 2pgs
4246 Africa Warren L. McFerran Africa 1988 041 11pgs
4247 The Middle East Warren P. Mass Middle East 1988 055 3pgs
4248 Central Asia & India Lea Rehimi Asia 1988 061 3pgs
4249 Northeast Asia Paul Ingbretson Asia 1988 067 3pgs
4250 Southeast Asia & The South Pacific Kirk Kidwell Asia 1988 071 3pgs
4251 Down Under Lea Rehimi Down Under 1988 076 1pgs