ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
4290 Leaving Ourselves Vulnerable William F. Jasper Immigration & Border 1988 004 4pgs
4291 Students Should Be Censored John F. McManus Free Speech 1988 012 1pgs
4292 U.S.-Soviet Joint Ventures John F. McManus UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1988 013 1pgs
4293 Yankee Go Home, Please! William F. Jasper Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 014 3pgs
4294 Nicaraguan Defector John F. McManus Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 017 1pgs
4295 Again and Again, May God Forgive Us Lea Rehimi Asia 1988 019 4pgs
4296 Hammer Nails His Sister-in-Law Hilaire du Berrier Conspiracy & Conspirators 1988 023 1pgs
4297 Marxist Mexico Warren L. McFerran Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 027 8pgs
4298 Worth Repeating Staff Quotes 1988 037 1pgs
4299 The Ongoing Betrayal of Nicaragua Jane H. Ingraham Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 038 2pgs
4300 Stranger Than Fiction F. R. Duplantier Review 1988 040 1pgs
4301 Massachusetts' Michael Dukakis Elizabeth M. Drummey Politics, Candidates & Elections 1988 044 1pgs
4302 The Ritalin Pushers Elyse Aronson Housing, Education & Welfare 1988 048 2pgs
4303 Do Aliens Have Unalienable Rights? Dr. Charles E. Rice Immigration & Border 1988 051 1pgs
4304 Return of the Brady Bunch Mark D. Isaacs 2nd Amendment 1988 055 1pgs
4305 A Martyr in the War Against Drugs Warren P. Mass Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1988 057 1pgs
4306 A Reign of Terror in America Capt. Francis McCullagh Internal Security, Surveillance & Terrorism 1988 059 1pgs
4307 Escape from "Paradise" Raymond Johnson Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 060 1pgs