ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
4483 Shooting Down Anti-Gun Fallacies Larry Pratt 2nd Amendment 1988 003 1pgs
4484 One Big Happy Family F. R. Duplantier Culture & Religion 1988 009 4pgs
4485 How Goes the Battle? Warren P. Mass The John Birch Society 1988 015 3pgs
4486 The Missing Element Kirk Kidwell Housing, Education & Welfare 1988 019 1pgs
4487 One Party Rule, R.I.P. Michael L. Culbert Mexico, Latin & South America 1988 021 1pgs
4488 Selling Out Anti-Communist Afghans John F. McManus Asia 1988 022 1pgs
4489 Namibia Betrayed Warren L. McFerran Africa 1988 023 2pgs
4490 Setting the Stage for Revolution John F. McManus Africa 1988 025 1pgs
4491 Targeting Plrearms Robert W. Lee 2nd Amendment 1988 027 12pgs
4492 How the West Destroyed Black Africa Jane H. Ingraham Africa 1988 041 2pgs
4493 Will Our Students Be Well Red? John F. McManus Housing, Education & Welfare 1988 045 1pgs
4494 The Drought of '88 Mark D. Isaacs Business & Industry, Labor & Regulations 1988 046 1pgs
4495 Senator Lloyd Bentsen Robert W. Lee Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1988 049 4pgs
4496 Dick "Mr. Clean" Thornburgh Elizabeth M. Drummey Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1988 053 1pgs
4497 Shot Heard 'Round the World Mark D. Isaacs Headlines & History 1988 058 1pgs
4498 A True Emancipator Evans-Raymond Pierre Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1988 060 1pgs