4879 |
Words Won't Topple Teng |
Edward Clark |
Asia |
1989 |
005 |
1pgs |
4880 |
Pitching for America |
William F. Jasper |
Culture & Religion |
1989 |
007 |
4pgs |
4881 |
The Rules Have Changed |
Erik A. Johnson |
Politics, Candidates & Elections |
1989 |
016 |
2pgs |
4882 |
They're Fighting Our Battle |
William F. Jasper |
The John Birch Society |
1989 |
019 |
3pgs |
4883 |
Playing' Games with Communists |
James J. Drummey |
Communism & Subversion |
1989 |
025 |
7pgs |
4884 |
New Gurus, Old Conspirators |
Erik A. Johnson |
Conspiracy & Conspirators |
1989 |
034 |
2pgs |
4885 |
Joylessness to the World |
Dr. Charles E. Rice |
UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy |
1989 |
038 |
2pgs |
4886 |
Red, White, and Blue American |
John F. McManus |
Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial |
1989 |
043 |
1pgs |
4887 |
Nightmare on Main Street |
F. R. Duplantier |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1989 |
044 |
1pgs |