ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
5622 President Bush to POW/MIA William P. Hoar Legislature, Executive, Judiciary 1992 004 5pgs
5623 Obstacles to the ANC William P. Hoar Africa 1992 015 2pgs
5624 Bilderbergers: A Deadly Alliance Robert W. Lee Conspiracy & Conspirators 1992 017 3pgs
5625 Banking on Government Jane H. Ingraham Banking & Economics 1992 023 7pgs
5626 Russia's "Mercy Missiles" Fr. James Thornton Europe & EU 1992 031 2pgs
5627 Who Will Tell the Children? Neland D. Nobel Banking & Economics 1992 034 2pgs
5628 A Moderate He's Not! Robert W. Lee Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1992 038 3pgs
5629 Forecasters of Doom Gary Benoit Energy & Environment 1992 042 1pgs
5630 Clinton Tips His Hat (and Hand) John F. McManus Politics, Candidates & Elections 1992 044 1pgs