ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
5881 Earth Summit Encore William Norman Grigg Energy & Environment 1993 005 5pgs
5882 Tax-funded Electioneering Robert W. Lee Politics, Candidates & Elections 1993 013 2pgs
5883 Revolutionary Appointments John F. McManus Politics, Candidates & Elections 1993 015 1pgs
5884 European Superstate Advances William P. Hoar Europe & EU 1993 017 2pgs
5885 The Payoff Jane H. Ingraham Conspiracy & Conspirators 1993 021 8pgs
5886 Environmental Ammo William F. Jasper Energy & Environment 1993 031 2pgs
5887 How the Left Used Anita Hill William P. Hoar Politics, Candidates & Elections 1993 033 2pgs
5888 Criminal Injustice Dr. Charles E. Rice Police, Crime & SYLP 1993 037 1pgs
5889 Social Security in a Free Market Neland D. Nobel Budgets, Taxes & Spending 1993 040 2pgs
5890 Help From a Seasoned Insider John F. McManus Conspiracy & Conspirators 1993 044 1pgs