ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
5959 The Mideast Peace Charade William F. Jasper Middle East 1993 004 4pgs
5960 ReGo: Streamlined Oppression Robert W. Lee Politics, Candidates & Elections 1993 013 3pgs
5961 Rushing to Defend Halperin William F. Jasper Politics, Candidates & Elections 1993 016 2pgs
5962 A Fly-in for Freedom Cliff Kincaid Energy & Environment 1993 018 1pgs
5963 NAFTA: Bureauc racy Unlimited Thomas R. Eddlem Foreign Aid, Trade & Regionalism 1993 019 3pgs
5964 Pitirim A. Sorokin Fr. James Thornton Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1993 023 7pgs
5965 Overdose of Government William P. Hoar Review 1993 030 2pgs
5966 Is the Message in the Market? Neland D. Nobel Budgets, Taxes & Spending 1993 033 1pgs
5967 Pro-Life's Mightiest Weapon Dr. Charles E. Rice Right To Life / Abortion 1993 035 1pgs
5968 Cobb County Takes a Stand William Norman Grigg Culture & Religion 1993 037 1pgs
5969 Report From "Anytown, U.S.A." William Norman Grigg Culture & Religion 1993 038 1pgs
5970 The Michigan Moment Samuel L. Blumenfeld Housing, Education & Welfare 1993 040 1pgs
5971 Remembering Petr Beckmann William F. Jasper Hero, Profile, Biography & Memorial 1993 042 1pgs
5972 Let's Fix the Problem! John F. McManus Housing, Education & Welfare 1993 044 1pgs