ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
5982 The New Adventurism William F. Jasper UN, Globalism, Military & Foreign Policy 1993 005 4pgs
5983 Ron Brown's Hanoi Kickback William P. Hoar Asia 1993 013 2pgs
5984 The Clinton Doctrine William P. Hoar Politics, Candidates & Elections 1993 015 2pgs
5985 Boris Yeltsin's Russian Reforms John F. McManus Europe & EU 1993 017 2pgs
5986 Blood Still Flowing in Red China Robert W. Lee Asia 1993 019 2pgs
5987 Disarming The Entitlements Time Bomb John F. McManus Housing, Education & Welfare 1993 023 6pgs
5988 America's Economic Showdown Jane H. Ingraham Banking & Economics 1993 029 2pgs
5989 Drama or History? Fr. James Thornton Headlines & History 1993 031 1pgs
5990 War Against Secrecy John F. McManus Politics, Candidates & Elections 1993 044 1pgs