ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
6090 A Cure Worse Than the Disease William F. Jasper Health, Healthcare & Pandemic 1994 005 6pgs
6091 Spiral of Fear William F. Jasper Media Bias & Deception 1994 013 2pgs
6092 Why Does Crime Pay? Jane H. Ingraham Police, Crime & SYLP 1994 017 3pgs
6093 Subverting the Bill of Rights Jane H. Ingraham Communism & Subversion 1994 021 1pgs
6094 The Death Penalty Dilemma Dr. Charles E. Rice Right To Life / Abortion 1994 023 2pgs
6095 America's New "Urban Leaders" William Norman Grigg Culture & Religion 1994 027 1pgs
6096 The Importation of Crime William P. Hoar Police, Crime & SYLP 1994 029 2pgs
6097 Tearing Apart Our Moral Fabric Fr. James Thornton Culture & Religion 1994 033 3pgs
6098 Obstacle to the Gun Controllers Gary Benoit 2nd Amendment 1994 039 1pgs
6099 Insurance for Liberty Robert W. Lee 2nd Amendment 1994 041 2pgs
6100 Protecting Life and Property Robert W. Lee Property Rights 1994 045 3pgs
6101 Shooting Down Faulty Arguments Robert W. Lee 2nd Amendment 1994 051 4pgs
6102 Stick To Your Guns Flyer Staff 2nd Amendment 1994 057 1pgs
6103 The Curse of Compromise Larry Pratt 2nd Amendment 1994 059 2pgs
6104 Centralizing Law Enforcement William Norman Grigg Politics, Candidates & Elections 1994 063 4pgs
6105 Redefining "Law and Order" William Norman Grigg Police, Crime & SYLP 1994 069 4pgs
6106 LAPD: Caught in the Line of Fire William F. Jasper Police, Crime & SYLP 1994 077 2pgs
6107 Key votes on crime, guns, and police Staff 2nd Amendment 1994 080 3pgs
6108 Local Police, Guns, and Freedom John F. McManus 2nd Amendment 1994 084 1pgs