ArtID Title Author Genre Year Pg# Length View
6235 A Covenant With Death William Norman Grigg Right To Life / Abortion 1994 004 7pgs
6236 Victory for the Tenth William F. Jasper Legislature, Executive, Judiciary 1994 014 1pgs
6237 Gunboat Liberals Occupy Haiti William P. Hoar Mexico, Latin & South America 1994 017 2pgs
6238 Bioperversity Sarah E. Foster Culture & Religion 1994 019 3pgs
6239 The Essence of Freedom E. Merrill Root Constitution, Civics & Americanism 1994 023 5pgs
6240 Fighting for Our Children William F. Jasper Housing, Education & Welfare 1994 029 2pgs
6241 Facing the Future Neland D. Nobel Budgets, Taxes & Spending 1994 032 2pgs
6242 Fidel Castro's Climb to Power William P. Hoar Mexico, Latin & South America 1994 039 4pgs
6243 Reinventing Gorbachev John F. McManus Communism & Subversion 1994 044 1pgs