21872 |
The Betrayal of China |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
010 |
1pgs |
21873 |
Affirmative Action Madness |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
011 |
1pgs |
21874 |
Fluoridation Linked to Cancer |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
012 |
1pgs |
21875 |
D.C. Constitutional Amendment |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
013 |
1pgs |
21876 |
King Worked For Communists |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
014 |
1pgs |
21877 |
A Perspective on Red Trade |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
015 |
1pgs |
21878 |
The Cost of Dealing With Reds |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
016 |
1pgs |
21879 |
About a Balanced Budget |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
017 |
1pgs |
21880 |
Radical Priest in Congress |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
018 |
1pgs |
21881 |
No Education Department |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
019 |
1pgs |
21882 |
Inflation and Keynes |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
020 |
1pgs |
21883 |
Big Business Takes A Dive |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
021 |
1pgs |
21884 |
Carter Team Subverted Iran |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
022 |
1pgs |
21885 |
Making A Communist World |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
023 |
1pgs |
21886 |
US Finances Chavez |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
024 |
1pgs |
21887 |
Congress Can Stop Canal Giveaway |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
025 |
1pgs |
21888 |
No Sex Education In Schools |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
026 |
1pgs |
21889 |
LEAA - Let us Abolish It |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
027 |
1pgs |
21890 |
The Lesson of Three Mile Island |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
028 |
1pgs |
21891 |
An Energy Program For America |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
029 |
1pgs |
21892 |
Their Target - Your Child |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
030 |
1pgs |
21893 |
SALTs Missing Alternative |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
031 |
1pgs |
21894 |
Senator Kennedy and the CFR |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
032 |
1pgs |
21895 |
Keep The Zorinsky Amendment |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
033 |
1pgs |
21896 |
The Tragedy In Rhodesia |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
034 |
1pgs |
21897 |
Kama River Military Trucks |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
035 |
1pgs |
21898 |
The Betrayal of Nicaragua |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
036 |
1pgs |
21899 |
The Next Shortage - Food |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
037 |
1pgs |
21900 |
Joan Baez and the Boat People |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
038 |
1pgs |
21901 |
Solar Not The Answer |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
039 |
1pgs |
21902 |
OPEC And Inflation |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
040 |
1pgs |
21903 |
Socialist Backs Kennedy |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
041 |
1pgs |
21904 |
Why Trust The Soviets? |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
042 |
1pgs |
21905 |
Volcker: Davids Man At The Fed |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
043 |
1pgs |
21906 |
Why Keep Alaska A Wilderness? |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
044 |
1pgs |
21907 |
So Now They Fire Young |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
045 |
1pgs |
21908 |
California Rebuffs Jane and Jerry |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
046 |
1pgs |
21909 |
Regulatory Costs Breed Monopolies |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
047 |
1pgs |
21910 |
Value Added Tax - No Thanks |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
048 |
1pgs |
21911 |
Proclamation: Get US Out |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
049 |
1pgs |
21912 |
NOW They are Supplying Red China |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
050 |
1pgs |
21913 |
Nicaragua Just Like Cuba |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
051 |
1pgs |
21914 |
Abolish the Department of Energy |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
052 |
1pgs |
21915 |
Reject Civilian Review Boards |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
053 |
1pgs |
21916 |
Fidel and the Age of Liars |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
054 |
1pgs |
21917 |
It is Time To Abolish OSHA |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
055 |
1pgs |
21918 |
What About Synthetic Fuels? |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
056 |
1pgs |
21919 |
The Trilateralist Takeover |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
057 |
1pgs |
21920 |
A Response To Khomeini Insult |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
058 |
1pgs |
21921 |
Our Asinine SALT II Strategy |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
059 |
1pgs |
21922 |
Take Wraps Off Nuclear Power |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
060 |
1pgs |
21923 |
Goodbye 1970s |
John F. McManus |
Opinion, Editorial & Commentary |
1979 |
061 |
1pgs |